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CASONÁ guarantees a secure shipping process by using high quality courier services. Delivery times begin once the order is shipped, you will receive an email with shipping confirmation and your order’s tracking number.

Please note that shipping prices do not include local import taxes and duty fees which may be imposed by your selected delivery country/region. All applicable expenses are not the responsibility of the brand and must be covered by the recipient of the order. Unfortunately, we have no control over these charges and can not provide an estimate, as customs policies and import duties vary by country/region.

If you decide to not pay import taxes or duties and choose to reject your order/parcel, you will not be refunded for your order.

The delivery address of your order must match the location site on which you place your order. Please select the correct location site for your order. Orders made from a different location site from the delivery address will be automatically canceled.

The courier is always responsible for delivering the package. If a package is considered to be delivered by the courier and has not been received by the customer, it is then the customer's responsibility to proceed with the necessary methods to ensure a correct delivery.

If you can not find the desired country of destination in the checkout process, contact our customer service team at

When placing an order please verify all information as we are not responsible for incorrect or incomplete information such as name, address, billing address, telephone number, etc.

Your local customs office may require additional information or documentation and time to clear your package, this may delay the estimated delivery date.

Items available for pre-order with the option to “pre-order” rather than “add to cart”, its estimated delivery date window for each item will be located at the bottom of the item's product page, beneath the description. When ordering items available for pre-order you will be charged immediately. Once the order is shipped you will receive a confirmation email with the orders tracking number.

For any inquiries on your order(s) please contact us at, and if possible include your order confirmation number.

Country / Region                                                                                                                              Estimated Delivery Time

SPAIN                                                                                                                                                                  1 - 4 business days
Islands & Mainland

EUROPE                                                                                                                                                            2 - 6 business days
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg,

Monaco, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Ireland

Republic, Sweden, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia,

Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak

Republic, Slovenia, Andorra, Channel Islands,

Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Croatia, Albania,

Russia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Andorra

UNITED KINGDOM                                                                                                                                            2 - 6 business days
Scotland, Wales

ASIA / Middle East                                                                                                                                           2 - 6 business days
Turkey, Armenia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Lebanon,

United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia

LATAM                                                                                                                                                                   2 - 6 business days
Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia,

Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ecuador,

Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto

Rico, Uruguay, Brazil

AUSTRALIA                                                                                                                                                            2 - 6 business days

NORTH AMERICA                                                                                                                                                2 - 6 business days
United States, Canada

Returns & Exchanges.

Need to make a return?:

You can return any item purchased from the CASONÁ website within 48 hours of the delivery date.

Here is how:

Fill out the return form. 

Make sure that the items you return are in their original condition, unused, unwashed, unaltered, undamaged and with all original tags attached.

CASONÁ is not responsible of any return expenses.

Got the wrong size?:

If you wish to change the size and or color of a purchased item, you can do so in the next 10 business days after delivery date, however CASONÁ is not responsible of any return expenses.

If you want to exchange an item for a different size or color, please fill out our exchange form and place a new order.

CASONÁ will hold the item(s) for you and as soon as we receive the return order, we will ship them to the address from your original order.

You will receive a confirmation email when the package has arrived and when it is dispatched. Please note that you can only exchange the size and or color of an item once, but you can always return them following our “return guide” policies.


Fill out the details to exchange your item


Fill out the details to return your item